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About Sasha


Short and "deep": I'm a student of all lessons that help enliven my senses. Moved by the subtle and profound expressions of nature, by the power of love, and by witnessing the beauty that comes from honest human to human interaction...     


I was born and raised in the Sonoran Desert, on the Mexican side, where we are known for our carne asada and tortillas sobaqueras. Now my mouth is watering… 


Just like you, at a young age I reaped the benefits of being in tune with my body to process emotions, work through problems, and keep my body flowing with ease — letting it guide me moment by moment, making all kinds of random sounds as needed, crying, laughing, being silly, and recognizing the ground as my happy place. Personally gravitating less towards the structure and competition element of some sports, and more drawn to the playful, and seemingly wild movement of our human nature. 


Structure and competition are also fun and necessary, though that got me started into more linear ways of thinking and moving, and a bit away from that intuitive process where I had found so much joy before. As a result, I started connecting to my body, not for the sake of feeling and sensing what was there to be worked through, but moving just to burn calories, mechanically strengthening some parts and stretching others. 


Maybe also just like you, I forgot how to use my body as a way to connect to my natural ability to be healthy in all aspects of life… Until something happened that awakened me to something greater than myself, and challenged everything I knew about the body-mind connection. 


It comes with a story…


When I moved to San Francisco in 2011, I accidentally started volunteering at the Teenage Pregnancy and Parenting Program. Accidental because I had applied to be at the child development center, and did not know that in the same building there was a High School preparing teens to become parents. During that time I met so many beautiful young mothers, including a 15-year-old from Ecuador, who didn't speak any English. Her warmth and poetic ways of understanding the world were so inspiring to me, which lead us into a special connection. After a few months of getting to know each other and working together, she gave me the greatest gift when she texted me letting me know she was in labor and would be happy to have me there if I could. I instinctively dropped everything I was doing and rushed to meet her.


The experience of witnessing the birth process was unlike anything I had seen or felt before, and it spoke to the body-mind-soul power more than anything. Without saying a word, she taught me that if we can let our body express in a safe space, triumphant outcomes can manifest. She knew the importance of this unique moment, and took charge, asking for what she needed, using me as a safety net to help hold and protect her space while she maintained focus.   


Before this moment I thought birth was something to be scared of and above all, the most painful experience of all. Though this was not what I was seeing in this young woman, with every wave of intense sensation, she would dive right in with primal awareness. Her confidence and strength were so impressive even the nurses at the hospital pointed it out with disbelief. It was a spectacle of beauty witnessing her express through intuitive sounds and movement, taking her time and allowing herself to also have moments of doubt, fear, and a renewal of her power, which spoke to the undeniable wisdom of the body. 


Long story short, I was honored to bear witness to the known miracle of life: a brand new human’s transition to earth-side paired with the birth of a mother. 


At the end of that epic journey, I was curious about her side of the story, and what kept her grounded during what seemed one of the most intense moments one may only experience a few times in life. It surprised me how simple and profound her response was: “I’ve seen my mother, my aunts, my sisters, and my cousins give birth, so I knew I could also do it.” Which is exactly what we are missing in this generation of parents, and how I hope I could be of help. Through spreading education, and the ancestral wisdom in our body to help us tap into that wild power to express and heal. 


I hold this woman’s strength close to my heart, draw from it at times of uncertainty, and I will be forever grateful for her coming into my life the way she did… And that’s when that juicy seed of honoring the reverent process of birth got planted in me. 


Though, life happened and that strong birth seed settled as I got busy with my work as a preschool teacher and after school program coordinator for kids K-6th, while teaching a handful of yoga classes every week, then with a senior case manager role and educator for at-risk families and those working towards getting reunited. 


A few years later, my passion for birth reawoke when I went back to school for a Masters in Social Work, with a focus on parent-child therapy, and trauma-educated approaches for sustainable health. As part of my program, I got involved in the Mother-Baby unit at the local hospital, where I was honored to support families during the first 3 months of their baby’s life, in 1:1 sessions, and facilitating groups. I then went on to get certified as a doula, and constantly educate myself around all topics related to birth, parenthood, and integral health.


And now, here I am, ecstatic to share with you the education and tools that have revolutionized my understanding of the body/mind connection and the lifeforce that surfaces when we exercise this birthright. With the spirit of learning even more from you, I wholeheartedly welcome you on this journey of self-exploration and enhanced potential for you and your family!


Let's connect!

Send me an email to to book a free 15 min intro call.

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The Teachings of Ray Castellino: Dropping into Prenatal and Perinatal Implicit Memory with Ease — October 2020


Pre/Postnatal Fitness Specialist Certification by Bellies Inc. — July 2019


The Indie Birth Experience + Birth Warrior Project by Indie Birth — May 2019


Birth Doula Certificate by DONA — April 2019


Masters of Social Work, Interpersonal practice with children and families, and trauma-informed approaches for health at The University of Michigan — December 2018


Spinning Babies Practitioner’s Certification Training — November 2018


Postpartum Support International; Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Training — October 2018


Newborn Mothers Collective; Postpartum Doula Certification — October 2018


Teaching Mindfulness to Youth by Michigan Collaborative for Mindfulness in Education — August 2017


Hakomi Institute; Mindful Somatic Psychology Training — June 2016


Mindfulness Center San Francisco; Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Training — March 2016


Cosmic Kids Yoga and Story Telling Teacher Certification by Jamie Amor — December 2015


Yoga Teacher Training at Yoga Garden, San Francisco — April 2015


Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Certificate at SFSU — May 2015


Certified Parent Educator in Positive Parenting Program, Kid’s Turn, and Crianza con Cariño by Parent Training Institute — August 2014


Early Childhood Education Certificate by California College of ECE — July 2013


Bachelor's of Science in Psychology at Arizona State University — January 2010






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